Act 4
{At an eatery}
(Inspector Charles is sitting alone on a table for four, checking his wrist watch impatiently, a beautiful attendant walks up to him)
Attendant: What would you like to have sir, tea or coffee?
Charles: Coffee will do, and please bring for three people and four slices of bread each, thank you.
(Laura walks in and takes a seat beside Charles who was facing the door)
Laura: why the urgent call?
Charles: Good morning to you too (sacarstically). We wait for the others.
Laura: by "the others" u mean Chris?
Charles: yes, and one more person.
(Chris walks in and seats opposite Charles an Laura, backing the door)
Chris: (facing Laura) damn, you are hot. (Shake hands with Charles) What do we owe this important call?
Laura: Its a cold morning Chris, I'm not hot. It seems we are still waiting for one...
(Laura stands up and approaches a figure at the entrance, it was the man she was with earlier)
Laura: What the f*ck are you doing here, are you following me?
Gbenga: I'm here to see that man (waving to Charles, Laura looks back and sees Charles wave back at him)
Laura: (whispering) are you shitting me? (As they both return to take their seat near Charles, people were looking at them :typical Nigerians, they will never mind their business. LOL)
Charles: Well, nice to have you all here. Thanks for coming at such a short notice.
Gbenga here is a Geek, a computer guru. He can get into any computerized implement.
Laura: (looking at Gbenga) I thought you were a drop out (she murmurs)
Charles: (cuts in before Gbenga could say a word, with a smiling face) Bill Gates is his mentor and he also has his way around women as we all can clearly see.
(Gbenga is hitting on the attendant who came to serve them coffee, he gives her his card as she turns to leave)
Gbenga: what were we saying (looking lost, while Chris and Charles begin to laugh)
Laura: hey, its not funny! (She said angrily looking at Gbenga with a stern face)
****NOTE: she dey vex, why? Because u can't have sex with a girl and think she won't have feelings for you. She may hide it, but she does. But Gbenga, clearly doesn't care****
Charles: (clears throat) Chief Arowosafe was murdered in the early hours of today at his residence. The IG wants me to handle investigations, I need your help as this is a high profile case and its gonna be complicated.
(He looks at them in the face Laura responds first)
Laura: I got your back always. (Raising up her cup of coffee)
Gbenga: (raising his cup) I'm in too.
(There is silence, before they all call Chris' attention)
Chris: (drops his cup from his face) what?
Laura: are you in or out?
Chris: (with a large chunk of bread in his mouth) of course I'm in.
Charles: okay then, we meet with the IG by 3pm, (he looks at his watch) that's about six hours time. Chris get the van (throws him a key) clean it up and pick the others by 2pm.
(Chris, still holding another cup of coffee on their way out asks Laura "which case are we working on?" Laura just shakes her head and walks off with a smile. Chris is stopped at the door by the security "sir, your cup")
Chris: (quickly pouring the content of the cup) I'm so sorry. (Pats the security on his shoulder while handing over the empty cup and runs after Laura) Hey, wait....
Watch out for episode 3 THATS WHERE THE ACTION STARTS
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